An introduction to the preaching at Southeast Valley Bible Church

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How We Teach the Bible

At Southeast Valley Bible Church, every week you’ll see that we love God’s Word.

A pastor at Southeast Valley Church in Gilbert, AZ stands behind a wooden podium preaching


Watch or Listen to a Sermon

Featured sermons are handpicked messages that give you an introduction to the preaching at Southeast Valley Bible Church.

the words "encountering the risen Jesus Luke 24" over a yellow sun and 3 men in robes talking

Encountering the Risen Jesus

Encountering the Risen Jesus changes everything.

Pastor: Pastor Jeremy Tetreau

Scripture: Luke 24

southeast valley bible church arizona time sermon

Right On Time

Jesus came right on time.

Pastor: Pastor Joel Tetreau

Scripture: Galatians 4

southeast valley bible church arizona faith sermon

Faith in the Face of Fear

Faith in the face of fear is possible because in Jesus, God is with us.

Pastor: Pastor Jeremy Tetreau

Scripture: Isaiah 7:1-15 & Matthew 1:18-25